Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crieve Hall Really Cares!

It's been a year and obviously this blog doesn't get the traction that it should.  However, the Cares Committee has been hard at work!  We've had some incredible things happen this year, and have made a great group of volunteers!  We're working on welcome kits to put in the homes of every new homeowner--complete with information on local vendors, neighborhood favorites, etc.  We have meals prepared and a list of volunteers ready to make more for any families with new babies, suffering a loss, etc.  We have a team of people ready to help out for handyman repairs, cleaning, yards, and more.  We have some eager grandparents and children for our Adopt-a-Grandparent program, and we've started some fun social events as well! 

The women's Bunco group has exploded, and the Book Club has a blast.  We just hand delivered fliers to all 2000 homes with a calendar for this year's social events

Our facebook fanpage gets regular visits--join the group by clicking at the logo on the side!  We're thrilled to have a great group of people ready and willing to help others in this community--through acts of kindness and friendship--it's what being a "neighbor" is all about!