Sunday, May 2, 2010

Noah, where's the Ark?

The rains have come with a vengeance, and unfortunately have not been too kind to some of our neighbors!  Many of you have called asking what you can do to help.  We are here for you, but we need to know who you are!  We also need more volunteers!

We've got two great groups--the Crieve Hall Cares Committee and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).  You may have read about this on the CHNA website:
If you want to prepare your family for all kinds of disasters consider taking the Family Disaster Training classes taught by the Nashville Mayor's Office of Emergency Management. It's FREE. Next classes start July 22.  You may read full details on the classes and what you will learn here.

The CHC Committee is working together with the Crieve Hall CERT teams to make sure we are here for the neighborhood.

Here are things we may need to help flood victims:
  • Sump Pumps
  • Shop Vacs
  • Towels/Shams
  • Fans
  • Water
  • Food

The CERT team is trained to help in times of crisis, but they need to know who needs help!  The CHC Committee will be here to help with the aftermath--to help families clean up the messes and get their lives back in order.

If you are interested in helping others in the neighborhood, know of someone who needs help, or need help yourself, please contact one of the volunteers below.  We can help:
  • Clean Yards/haul off debris
  • Helping to clean home/reorganize
  • Carry off trash
  • Supplying food/water 
  • Plus whatever else you may need

 Please contact:
Ron Ream
Jeri Sedukum
("Helping Hands" CHC Committee) 
Anjou Gerhardt
("Helping Hands" CHC Committee)
Kristy Thornton 
(CHC Committee)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crieve Hall Really Cares!

It's been a year and obviously this blog doesn't get the traction that it should.  However, the Cares Committee has been hard at work!  We've had some incredible things happen this year, and have made a great group of volunteers!  We're working on welcome kits to put in the homes of every new homeowner--complete with information on local vendors, neighborhood favorites, etc.  We have meals prepared and a list of volunteers ready to make more for any families with new babies, suffering a loss, etc.  We have a team of people ready to help out for handyman repairs, cleaning, yards, and more.  We have some eager grandparents and children for our Adopt-a-Grandparent program, and we've started some fun social events as well! 

The women's Bunco group has exploded, and the Book Club has a blast.  We just hand delivered fliers to all 2000 homes with a calendar for this year's social events

Our facebook fanpage gets regular visits--join the group by clicking at the logo on the side!  We're thrilled to have a great group of people ready and willing to help others in this community--through acts of kindness and friendship--it's what being a "neighbor" is all about!

Friday, June 12, 2009

What is this Committee about, and how can I help?

The mission statement of the “Crieve Hall Cares” Committee is this:

The Crieve Hall Cares Committee exists to connect the residents of Crieve Hall; to build bridges between all ages with the common theme of benevolence; and to give back to the community in ways that truly make our residents feel honored and loved.

Because of the Tour of Homes, we've got a great nest egg to get started with this committee. As we’ve looked at the social committee and the ebb of newcomers to our group, we’ve decided that merging the Crieve Hall Neighborhood Association social committee into the CHC Committee would be a good fit. We want to re-present this to our community and focus on our “social” aspect being that of helping out our neighbors by reaching beyond our front doors and getting to know each other!

Some goals that we’ve discussed at this point are to create a “neighbors helping neighbors” group where people can request help/assistance for themselves or a neighbor, an “adopt a grandparent” program for young families to connect with our elderly neighbors, and neighborhood watch block parties, where you get to know the people living on your own street.

We’d love to have social events throughout the year, and feel that by reorganizing our efforts by smaller ways to connect through offering a helping hand, we in turn will be able to form a larger social group as a whole—because hey, where your friends/neighbors go, you want to go, too!

This is where we need you. Brooke Vigerust (formerly co-chair of the CHNA Social Committee) and I are going to co-chair this new Crieve Hall Cares group, and we want your help. If you are interested in getting involved--volunteering, helping with whatever is your specialty, or just getting involved to stay connected, please email me at I'll build an email list of those that want to be "in the know"--and we'll plan events, connect people with others that may lend a helping hand, and generally help to form and grow the Crieve Hall Cares Committee (CHCC). Please let us know how you'd like to be involved!

Your next opportunity to connect with the community is August 4th at the National Night Out Against Crime. We'll have a table set up there to sign up for the CHCC and we'd love to see everyone there!

National Night Out Against Crime
Tues August 4 6:30-8:30

Crievewood United Methodist Church

Free Food-Inflatables for the kids- Live Music

Several vendors-Fire Truck-Police Car- Mounted Police- and more.

FREE Fingerprinting for children

We will also have a representative from ADS to fingerprint children. The representative provides a free kit to the family - conducting the fingerprinting to make sure it is completed correctly, then the fingerprint card and the kit are given to the parents for safe keeping. No information about the child is retained. If you have not yet done this, it would be a great opportunity.

Please read more details and stay updated at